[CMake] How can I create a C executable and C++ library from the same source

Matthew Keeler mkeeler at tenable.com
Wed Jan 17 13:10:48 EST 2018

Whether what you want exactly is possible I dont know. If you are just
wanting your C++ test library to be able to test your C source then I would
still let them compile as C and just extern “C” { #include <your header> }.
When it gets linked all together it should be fine. This is how I usually
do testing of my C code with cpputest which is also a C++ library.

Matt Keeler

On January 17, 2018 at 13:05:36, Jimi Damon (jdamon at accesio.com) wrote:


I want to use Gtest for some unit tests on a number of the C functions that
comprise my C executable.  However, Gtest ( And gMock ) are C++ testing

What I would like to have is a project for my exe and then a separate
project for my C++ library and be able to change the source properties to
use the language CXX just before compiling.

The problem I'm having is that CMake uses the CXX compiler for the C files.

Here's what I would like to have

set(SOURCES foo.c bar.c )
add_executable( cexe  ${SOURCES} )

set_source_files_properties(${SOURCES} PROPERTIES LANGUAGE CXX )
add_library( cpplib SHARED ${SOURCES} )

Is there a way to do this ?

Can target_compile_options set the compile type for a given target ?

In the past I've had to copy the .C files to some renamed .CPP equivalent
and then compile off of that.

I'm hoping that enough new functionality has been added to Cmake to allow
separation between compiles.



Jimi Damon
ACCES I/O Products, Inc. <http://accesio.com/go.cgi?p=/contact/contact.html>
Linux Engineer
JDamon at accesio.com
(858) 550-7320 x3015
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