[CMake] CMake support for MYS2
Konstantin Tokarev
annulen at yandex.ru
Wed Jan 10 05:56:30 EST 2018
10.01.2018, 11:40, "Mojca Miklavec" <mojca.miklavec.lists at gmail.com>:
> On 8 January 2018 at 17:38, Konstantin Tokarev wrote:
>> 08.01.2018, 14:35, "Mojca Miklavec":
>>> Dear CMake developers,
>>> I installed msys2 from http://www.msys2.org/ and (after updating etc)
>>> installed cmake via
>>> pacman -S cmake
>> You should install mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake (or i686).
> Thank you very much. That package is missing ccmake though
Please report it as a bug. cmake package should provide ccmake, or
there should be a separate package if ncurses dependency is undesirable
in the main package.
>, so I can
> only run cmake directly and even then it strangely(?) defaults to
> Visual Studio when I would expect it to go for Unix Makefiles.
This is behavior of vanilla cmake, so it's reasonable that it is not altered.
You can use msys2 like a generic Windows software repository, not only
for MinGW- or MSYS-based development.
> (The "ccmake" from /usr/bin/ccmake is not helping in any way either, I
> was hoping it would perhaps use mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake.)
> I later noticed that there is /mingw64/bin/cmake-gui.exe, but that one
> doesn't really work either:
> $ cmake-gui
> C:/msys/msys64/mingw64/bin/cmake-gui.exe: error while loading shared
> libraries: librhash.dll: cannot open shared object file: No such file
> or directory
>> You've installed
>> package that targets MSYS environment, not native Windows.
> I still assume that others might run into exactly the same isuse in
> the future. Since it's explicitly suggesting to write to the mailing
> list, the reports might repeat.
This is a packaging problem, so it should be reported to msys2
maintainers first.
in the meanwhile, you can edit CMakeCache.txt file directly, gui tools
don't really add much :)
> (OK, I don't expect so many people to use the strange unix toolchains
> on windows platforms, but still.)
> Thank you,
> Mojca
>>> as well as some other packages like "make", the gcc compiler etc.
>>> But "ccmake" complains:
>>> System is unknown to cmake, create:
>>> Platform/MINGW32_NT-6.1 to use this system, please send your config file to
>>> cmake at www.cmake.org so it can be added to cmake
>>> Your CMakeCache.txt file was copied to CopyOfCMakeCache.txt. Please
>>> send that file to
>>> cmake at www.cmake.org.
>>> I believe I should additional set the compiler somehow, but I guess I
>>> should be able to cope with that part. I just wanted to report the
>>> failure to identify the platform while fighting with other problems.
>>> (Meson works correctly out of the box.)
>>> CopyOfCMakeCache is in attachment.
>>> Thank you very much,
>>> Mojca
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Konstantin
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