[CMake] How to add files to Visual Studio 'Utility' project

J. Caleb Wherry calebwherry at gmail.com
Fri Feb 2 08:57:03 EST 2018

Yes, I understand that. The error message is pretty clear.

My main question is really why is that the case? In VS, there is no
restriction to adding files to a utility project. So why does CMake have
this restriction?

I assume it is because it is generator specific and there isn’t a clean way
to implement add_custom_target across all of them. In that case I would
expect some special case handling for generators that do support it.

And it’s not like CMake can’t add files to that Utility project, because it
does: it adds the Java rules files. It just doesn’t allow the user the do
the same. It’s a restriction that doesn’t really make sense to me.


On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 3:35 AM CHEVRIER, Marc <marc.chevrier at sap.com> wrote:

> This approach is not possible for Java because the command add_jar is
> implemented using commands add_custom_command and add_custom_target. And
> command target_sources implies that the target was created by one the
> commands add_library or add_executable.
> *From: *CMake <cmake-bounces at cmake.org> on behalf of "J. Caleb Wherry" <
> calebwherry at gmail.com>
> *Date: *Thursday 1 February 2018 at 19:30
> *To: *CMake ML <cmake at cmake.org>
> *Subject: *[CMake] How to add files to Visual Studio 'Utility' project
> Hello!
> I am having trouble with a generated VS project that I hope is either a
> bug or has an easy fix...
> When using UseJava, the add_jar function, and Visual Studio 2015, a VS
> 'Utility' project is created. I then want to add additional non-compiled
> files to this project so I try to use target_sources but get his error:
> "target_sources called with non-compilable target type"
> In VS, I can easily add files to the project without issue. But I cannot
> seem to add any additional files to this created 'Utility' project through
> CMake.
> I do this in other projects by using target_sources and setting the
> HEADER_FILE_ONLY and WRAP_EXCLUDE properties to make sure the project
> doesn't do anything with them and it works fine. Just can't do it for these
> Utility projects.
> My use case here is that the add_jar command doesn't actually add the java
> source files to the project. I want to use VS as a code editor in this case
> because it builds the jar. However, without them in the project, I have to
> go outside of VS to edit them (and thus outside of my VS perforce control).
> Thoughts? Maybe I am adding them incorrectly?
> -Caleb
Sent from my iPhone 4s
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