[CMake] Why does CMake 3.9.0 open VS2017 when targeting 2013 after installing 2017... sigh.
J Decker
d3ck0r at gmail.com
Thu Aug 16 15:31:21 EDT 2018
On Thu, Aug 16, 2018 at 9:18 AM Brian Davis <bitminer at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 11:58 AM, Robert Maynard <
> robert.maynard at kitware.com> wrote:
>> The MSVC / CUDA support recently has been very challenging to keep track
>> of. In general CUDA will only support a single patch release of MSVC, and
>> given how MSVC 2017 doesn't easily allow rollbacks and has a pretty
>> aggressive update policy ( compared to older MSVC versions ) causes lots of
>> pain. This in general has been a community wide MSVC+CUDA issue.
>> CUDA 8 has zero support for VS2017 (
>> https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/archive/8.0/cuda-installation-guide-microsoft-windows/index.html
>> )
>> CUDA 9.0 and 9.1 only supports VS 2017 15.0 (
>> https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/archive/9.0/cuda-installation-guide-microsoft-windows/index.html,
>> https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/archive/9.1/cuda-installation-guide-microsoft-windows/index.html
>> )
>> CUDA 9.2 only supports VS 2017 15.0 and 15.6
>> When using MSVC 2017 and CUDA you will need to specify an explicit host
>> side compiler with -T version=15.## including the minor version (
>> https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.12/release/3.12.html#id3 ).
> Can't that be set by passing the toolset with a -T ? like -T "v120_xp"
or -T "v120"
This is an article about side-by-side toolsets
but it looks like it only goes back to 2015...
(and sorry to ramble a bit)
Slightly off topic; but I ran into a feature of the new optimizer that
shuffles commands.... I had a critical section lock that it ended up
clearing the locking bit, before releasing the other value; can defiantly
see lots of code breaking from that; firefox wants to only build with 15.6
but community is only 15.5 or 15.8 preview... (I fixed the codea dding
'volatile , and referencing the other value with a computation that
resulted with 0 instead.)
Sometimes code is in a certain order for specific reasons :) Sometims, it
can be shuffled .... (a=1;b=2;) ~~ (b=2;a=1) (same result different order)
> sigh... of course (though be careful with the term does not and cannot and
> zero support - I am a thinkin I could get CMake to support CUDA 8 in VS2017
> - if I realy wanted to - I mean it's not realy VS/MSVC doing the compiling
> is it?-rhetorical). This is making the case for what I had to do in the
> 2.8 days (well also again when NVIDIA could not decide on where to put
> their.... stuff in the file system and CMake was always one version or so
> behind) and roll my own CMake cuda support... yes this happened... and it
> could again. Time to look back into my old svn tree. sweet... kickin it
> with svn again the good old days.
> --
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