[CMake] CPack: Create debian packge for each sub-project

DKLind davidklind at gmail.com
Fri Dec 1 10:47:55 EST 2017

This is precisely my situation. I have a large project where 50+ packages are
generated. I wanted, needed, to be able to set each packages' version
uniquely. Using the CPACK_DEBAIN_<COMPONENT>_PACKAGE_VERSION variable seemed
to be the correct way, except it doesn't work. My patch allows
CPACK_DEBAIN_<COMPONENT>_PACKAGE_VERSION to be recognized by CPack and it's
value used when the package is created. The patch doesn't break the existing
functionality of CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION being used. It simply checks to see
of CPACK_DEBAIN_<COMPONENT>_PACKAGE_VERSION is set. If it is, use it's
value. It isn't not set use the value of CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION.

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