[CMake] CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P question

Thomas Nilefalk thomas at junovagen.se
Fri Apr 14 16:33:13 EDT 2017

Den 2017-04-14 kl. 21:27, skrev Chuck Atkins:
> Hi Thomas,
>     According to the documentation CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P it is
>     determined by running the compiler. However it seems that it is
>     not using pertinent flags from the configuration, in particular
> It is but the results from type size checking get saved in cache 
> variables so when run a second time, even though specifying extra 
> CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS, the CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P variable already exists in 
> cache so it's not checked again.  If you clear your build directory 
> before each invocation of CMake then you should see it switch between 
> 4 and 8 as expected.

Right, it does. Thanks. The inconsistencies of when something changes 
and when it doesn't, bit me again...

Next question is then why doesn't GNUInstallDirs set 
CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR as I expect on Ubuntu for the example I gave?

I am expecting to see either lib64/lib (for 64/32 bit) or a triplet for 
(32-bit). Now it's always 'lib'.


> ----------
> Chuck Atkins
> Staff R&D Engineer, Scientific Computing
> Kitware, Inc.

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