[CMake] Why is target installation done in 2 separate steps?

Tamás Kenéz tamas.kenez at gmail.com
Wed Jul 20 16:26:52 EDT 2016

I believe you can install and assign multiple targets in different
subdirectories to a single export:

    install(TARGETS foo EXPORT mylib-targets ...)

    install(TARGETS bar EXPORT mylib-targets ...)

    install(EXPORT mylib-targets ...)

On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 12:26 AM, Robert Dailey <rcdailey.lists at gmail.com>

> Documentation states, that to export a file that imports your targets,
> you must do roughly:
> install(TARGETS fubar EXPORT fubar-targets)
> install(EXPORT fubar-targets DESTINATION lib/cmake/fubar)
> Why is this done in two steps? Based on reading the install()
> documentation, I don't see how the install(TARGETS) command is useful
> without the corresponding install(EXPORT).
> Can someone explain why these are separate commands instead of 1
> complete command? Thanks in advance.
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