[CMake] Replacing Compile Options for a Target
Dvir Yitzchaki
Dvir.Yitzchaki at ceva-dsp.com
Wed Dec 7 00:31:02 EST 2016
There's no problem as the compiler will just use the last flag value.
See an example at http://coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/738fff0fcc2eb3c4.
Dvir Yitzchaki
Debugger Software Engineer, SDT
-----Original Message-----
From: CMake [mailto:cmake-bounces at cmake.org] On Behalf Of Jayesh Badwaik
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2016 6:48 AM
To: CMake <cmake at cmake.org>
Subject: [CMake] Replacing Compile Options for a Target
My global compile flags are specified with "std=c++14" in them. However, there is a third party header file which I want to compile in my code wherein I need to use a completely different set of compile flags starting with "-std=c++98".
I have seen target_compile_options() but that seems to just add options to the already available global options. What command should I use to assign a completely new set of flags from the scratch.
Jayesh Badwaik
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