[CMake] Need fix bid to build CMake generated Library.

Ken Boulange ken at Ldb3.com
Thu Aug 11 21:10:35 EDT 2016

I am a one man company that needs to get a Library built from C/C++ source
using CMake.


My system is windows 7 Professional.  I am running MVS 8 (Microsoft Visual
Studios 8)  I need the following library built from the below URL (It's a
DICOM image Library):




It's configured to be built by CMake.   I've come close, but not close


I am looking for someone to download Cmake and the
"http://dicom.offis.de/dcmtk.php.en"  source,   then run CMake and build the


I am looking for a fixed bid to do it.  I have very little cash that is why
I need a fixed bid.


Can anyone on this list help me?




415 987 9414.


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