[CMake] Adding include directories to generated CUDA files

Karl Ljungkvist karl.ljungkvist at it.uu.se
Wed Apr 20 14:19:39 EDT 2016

Hi all,

I'm working with enabling CUDA support for the Finite Element Method 
library Deal.II, which includes a couple of cmake macros for the user to 
set up their Deal.II application. Inside one of these, I now need to 
correctly configure the include directories for the intermediately 
generated CUDA files.

Specifically, CUDA_WRAP_SRCS sets up rules for all CUDA source files, 
and returns a list of all generated .cu.o files which is then passed to 
ADD_EXECUTABLE (all this happens inside CUDA_ADD_EXECUTABLE). In 
Deal.II, we have until now configured the include directories by setting 
a property on the target application:


Now, this does not propagate to these generated cuda .cu.o files. I 
tried adding a similar call like this, but with ${_target} replaced by 
each of the generated .o files, but then I get this error:

set_property could not find TARGET

So my question is, how can I add include directories to these generated 
.cu.o files ? Adding a INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES before calling CUDA_WRAP_SRCS 
works, but we would prefer to do something that is specific to these 
files and not affect the global scope. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Best regards,

Karl Ljungkvist
PhD student

Uppsala University
Dept. of Information Technology
Div. of Scientific Computing
Box 337
SE-751 05 Uppsala, Sweden
Email: karl.ljungkvist at it.uu.se
Phone:  +46 18 471 2967
Mobile: +46 70 2003565

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