[CMake] Build log generation in a "custom" way

Bill Hoffman bill.hoffman at kitware.com
Thu Sep 24 10:05:34 EDT 2015

On 9/24/2015 7:47 AM, Attila Krasznahorkay wrote:
> Dear All,
> I'd like to ask for some advice about the following issue. We're
> migrating a very big project (millions of lines of code...) from a
> custom build manager to CMake.
> The software is put together from separate "packages" that are all
> developed by a different set of people. Our nightly build system
> collects all these packages, and compiles all of them. In our old
> build system we could easily save package-specific build log files
> for the nightly system. Making it easy for the developers to quickly
> find build problems in their specific package.
> Now we'd like to do something similar with CMake. To teach it how to
> generate separate build log files for the separate packages.
> (Packages in this context are really just subdirectories in the end.)
> The clumsy thing that we're doing now is to use a script that we set
> This script writes log files in a non-too-perfect way, which need to
> be stitched together at the end of the build to get "package
> specific" build log files.
> So the question is whether we could do something better. Does anyone
> have an idea/suggestion? I'm happy to give more information about our
> setup if needed.

You might want to look into CDash (www.cdash.org).


Here is an example in the Trilinos project:


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