[CMake] ctest not sending xlm-files to dashboard
David Cole
DLRdave at aol.com
Sun May 10 08:43:16 EDT 2015
You've answered your own question... Do it all with a single command,
and the submit step will have the same tag as all the other steps.
On Sun, May 10, 2015 at 12:37 AM, Ilias Miroslav <Miroslav.Ilias at umb.sk> wrote:
> Hi again,
> I upgraded ctest to version 3.2.2, the problem remains. It seems the problem is related to re-creating new tag at the end of tests, what is happening the next day after midnight.
> Here we have log at the beginning of the test, 09/05/2015:
> configure step is done
> now you need to compile the sources:
> $ cd build_mingw64_i8_tests
> $ make
> Site: CHEMIA
> Build name: WinS12_MinGW64_i8_OpenBLAS_parallel_cloned
> Create new tag: 20150509-2153 - Miro
> Configure project
> with the proper directory name, containing xlm-files ready for output:
> Directory of C:\Users\milias\Documents\work\software\dirac\trunk_cloned\build_mingw64_i8_tests\Testing\20150509-2153
> 05/10/2015 02:38 AM <DIR> .
> 05/10/2015 02:38 AM <DIR> ..
> 05/10/2015 12:28 AM 32,099 Build.xml
> 05/09/2015 11:53 PM 4,236 Configure.xml
> 05/10/2015 02:38 AM 180,342 Test.xml
> but again, at the end of the test (on 10/05/2015) it creates new tag "20150510-0038 - Miro", but there is no Testing\20150510-0038 subdirectory with corresponding xml-files:
> Site: CHEMIA
> Build name: WinS12_MinGW64_i8_OpenBLAS_parallel_cloned
> Create new tag: 20150510-0038 - Miro
> Submit files (using http)
> Send to track: Miro
> Using HTTP submit method
> Drop site:http://testboard.org/cdash/submit.php?project=DIRAC
> Submission successful
> maybe I should replace individual ctest commands
> ctest -D ExperimentalConfigure --track Miro 1>>%LOG% 2>&1
> ctest -j 2 -D ExperimentalBuild --track Miro 1>>%LOG% 2>&1
> ctest -j 2 -D ExperimentalTest --track Miro 1>>%LOG% 2>&1
> ctest -D ExperimentalSubmit --track Miro 1>>%LOG% 2>&1
> by one "do-it-all command":
> ctest -j 2 -D Experimental --track Miro 1>>%LOG% 2>&1
> Best, Miro
> ________________________________________
> From: Ilias Miroslav
> Sent: Saturday, May 09, 2015 12:28 PM
> To: cmake at cmake.org
> Subject: ctest not sending xlm-files to dashboard
> Dear experts,
> I found that ctest is not sending resulting xml-files to the CDash-board.
> This is the ctest of version 3.2.0-rc1 on Windows server 2012.
> With the "ctest -D ExperimentalSubmit" command in the bat-script, which is launched automatically during the night by the Task Scheduler (when the user -me - is logged out), the report looks like:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Site: CHEMIA
> Build name: WinS12_MinGW64_i8_OpenBLAS_parallel_cloned
> Create new tag: 20150509-0037 - Miro
> Submit files (using http)
> Send to track: Miro
> Using HTTP submit method
> Drop site:http://testboard.org/cdash/submit.php?project=DIRAC
> Submission successful
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I don't understand why the ctest above created the new tag, "20150509-0037 - Miro", because the desired xml-files are ready in the other subdirectory, "20150508-2152":
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Directory of C:\Users\milias\Documents\work\software\dirac\trunk_cloned\build_mingw64_i8_tests\Testing\20150508-2152
> 05/09/2015 02:37 AM <DIR> .
> 05/09/2015 02:37 AM <DIR> ..
> 05/09/2015 12:24 AM 32,103 Build.xml
> 05/08/2015 11:52 PM 4,244 Configure.xml
> 05/09/2015 02:37 AM 179,765 Test.xml
> 3 File(s) 216,112 bytes
> 2 Dir(s) 25,267,957,760 bytes free
> C:\Users\milias\Documents\work\software\dirac\trunk_cloned\build_mingw64_i8_tests\Testing\20150508-2152>
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Any help, please ? This night build spanned 05/08/2015 and 05/09/2015.
> Yours,
> Miro
> --
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