[CMake] unit tests include in "all" but not install

Scott Aron Bloom scott at towel42.com
Fri Mar 20 19:23:34 EDT 2015

For those who couldn't understand my jibberish.. I apologize, never send email from a phone...

Ill restate...

In general, I want all my unit tests to be built when I do a make all, but I really don't care if they are up to date for a make install.

Is that a possibility?  Ie, add the exclude from all attribute, that is really an exclude from install?


From: CMake [mailto:cmake-bounces at cmake.org] On Behalf Of Scott Aron Bloom
Sent: Friday, March 20, 2015 16:05 PM
To: CMake ML
Subject: [CMake] unit tests include in "all" but not install

In general, I want unit tests, are build when I do a make all, but I really don't care if they are up to date for a install..

Is that a possibility?

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