[CMake] Xcode project generation failed

Michael Jackson mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
Wed Jun 17 10:29:25 EDT 2015

On Jun 16, 2015, at 3:27 PM, Gregor Jasny <gjasny at googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I applied some fixes to what becomes CMake 3.3. could you please test
> the release candidate?
> On 16/06/15 16:27, Michael Jackson wrote:
>> Running OS X 10.8.5 with Xcode 5.1.1 and Cmake 3.2.x and 3.3.RC and neither generate a Xcode project file that can be opened by Xcode. We get valid Ninja and Makefile projects for our project. I was wondering if anyone else has seen this issue. Not sure if there is something in our project that is hanging up CMake.
> Could you share your project.pbxproj file (if don't want to share it
> here you could also mail it to me directly).
> Thanks,
> Gregor

Just to follow up with this issue in case anyone else has issues with Xcode here is what happened. Thanks to Gregor for taking a look at the generated project file he was able to identify an issue where there were file paths in the form of "//" inside the project file. They specifically showed in the form of: /* // */. This was enough to throw the Xcode parser and send Xcode into the spin-of-death. The root cause of the issue is that I had a cmake variable that held all my source files. In that list was a file path, where the path was completely created through cmake variables,

set(FOO_FILE "${SomethingLib_path}/${SOME_HEADER_PATH})

but neither of those variables had been defined for this project. (Copy paste mistake). This resulted in the cmake variable (FOO_FILE from above) being empty but still included as a source in the add_library() call. Fixing the cmake variables fixed the Xcode generation issue.

I also want to recognize "git" for being helpful in all of this which allowed to quickly figure out which commit broke the Xcode functionality.

Hope this helps someone in the future.
Mike Jackson

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