[CMake] Tests 115, 116, 117 and, 118 fail
Domen Vrankar
domen.vrankar at gmail.com
Wed Jul 29 10:07:41 EDT 2015
> I am trying to create a CMake 3.3.0 RPM for openSuse using their Open
> Build Service. It compiles but the tests 115, 116, 117 and, 118 fail.
> The RPM build causes the error but I don't get what I should change. I
> attached the output.
>From the attached output it would seem that something went wrong
during symlink creation/packaging:
ERROR: link target doesn't exist (neither in build root nor in installed
[ 513s] system):
[ 513s]
[ 513s] /usr/lib64/inside_relocatable_one/depth_two/symlink_outside_package
-> /usr/lib64/inside_relocatable_one/depth_two/outside_package
Could you please check if this symlink gets created and if not why?
This seems to be something specific to your environment as the tests
run fine on nightly dashboard.
Which OS are you using?
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