[CMake] "Utility' targets with ninja generator?
Chris Green
greenc at fnal.gov
Fri Jul 17 11:27:19 EDT 2015
With "UNIX Makefiles" I'm used to being able to cd into a subdirectory
containing e.g. a C++ source file for which I need to examine the
pre-processed source and typing something like, "make MyClass.i" I can
also compile (for fast development cycle and clarity purposes) a single
source file and even use tab completion for targets of this nature (with
shell completion suitably enabled). This is all great, and improves my
productivity measurably.
Is there equivalent functionality for the Ninja generator (I'm currently
using CMake 3.2.1, but could upgrade to a more recent version easily if
appropriate), or can there be (even if only with the new ninja 1.6.0)?
My inability to find same is pretty much the only reason I haven't
abandoned make in favor of ninja entirely.
Thanks for any help,
Chris Green <greenc at fnal.gov>, FNAL CS/SCD/ADSS/SSI/TAC;
'phone (630) 840-2167; Skype: chris.h.green;
IM: greenc at jabber.fnal.gov, chissgreen (AIM),
chris.h.green (Google Talk).
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