[CMake] Generated files?

Chris Johnson cxjohnson at gmail.com
Thu Jan 29 10:09:26 EST 2015

​I am looking for suggestions on how to solve the following problem.  I
need a solution which is easy to understand and safe from future
maintenance errors.

There is a project directory with one C++ program and a large number of
"input" data files.

The C++ program needs to be compiled, and then run against each of the
input files to generate an output file of the same base name but with a
different output suffix.  E.g. from the command line it might be:

    % myprog  file001.in  file001.out

Finally, the output files need to be installed in the proper location.

For one input file, it might look like this:

    add_executable(myprog myprog.cpp)
    add_custom_command(OUTPUT file001.out
        COMMAND /bin/cp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/file001.in .
        COMMAND myprog file001.in file001.out
        DEPENDS files001.in myprog.cpp

Listing all of the input files in my CMakeLists.txt file is not a problem,
but it would be nice to avoid having to list the corresponding output files.

How can I build a CMakeLists.txt file which will succinctly handle this

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