[CMake] FindGDAL.cmake

Laurent Duchesne laurent.duchesne at calculquebec.ca
Mon Jan 19 12:58:47 EST 2015

Dear all,

There is a problem with the FindGDAL.cmake module. It will use the
gdal-config binary to find the library name & (lib) path, but not for the
include path.

Attached is a patch that will use gdal-config --cflags to find the correct
location for the gdal.h file.

I just moved the find_path section after the gdal-config one, and added
${_gdal_cpath} in the HINTS section.


Laurent Duchesne
Conseiller en Calcul Haute Performance
Calcul Québec, Université Laval
418-656-2131 #5811
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