[CMake] change add_executable to add_library leads to an error

Cedric Doucet cedric.doucet at inria.fr
Wed Dec 23 08:26:38 EST 2015


I have the following script: 

file(GLOB_RECURSE statphys "*.cpp") 

#add_library(simol-statphys SHARED ${statphys}) 
add_executable(simol-statphys ${statphys}) 

add_dependencies(simol-statphys simol-core) 

add_custom_target(statphys simol-statphys) 

target_link_libraries(simol-statphys simol-core) 

target_link_libraries(simol-statphys ${ARMADILLO_INSTALL_DIR}/lib/libarmadillo.so) 
target_link_libraries(simol-statphys ${YAMLCPP_INSTALL_DIR}/lib/libyaml-cpp.a) 


I would like generate a shared library simol-statphys instead of an executable simol-statphys. 

In other words, I would like to replace the call to add_executable, to the one which is contained in the comment below this call. 

However, if I do this, and I type 

make statphys 

I get the following error message: 

Scanning dependencies of target statphys 
/bin/sh: 1: simol-statphys: not found 
make[3]: *** [src/modules/statphys/CMakeFiles/statphys] Erreur 127 
make[2]: *** [src/modules/statphys/CMakeFiles/statphys.dir/all] Erreur 2 
make[1]: *** [src/modules/statphys/CMakeFiles/statphys.dir/rule] Erreur 2 
make: *** [statphys] Erreur 2 

Does someone can explain me where do the problem come from? 


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