[CMake] Link errors - can I get more verbose messages?

J. Caleb Wherry calebwherry at gmail.com
Wed Dec 16 22:53:34 EST 2015

(forgot to reply-all)

First: looks like you aren't doing an out-of-source build. If OpenGL
expects an out-of-source build (not sure if it does), then you need to do
it that way otherwise things could get screwy:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ${SRC_ROOT}
$ make VERBOSE=1

Second, the VERBOSE option to make should spit out a bunch of stuff. You'll
have to dig through to find the link lines but it would at least allow you
to grep for the lib to make sure it is actually linking against it.


On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 9:32 PM, DJ <jakep at arqux.com> wrote:

> I recently purchased the OpenGL SuperBible ed. 7. I downloaded the sample
> code and tried to build it.
> This is my very first exposure to cmake; I am reading through the
> documentation and did a quick scan of the gmane archive but cannot seem
> find an answer to my question. (Probably my fault; my search skills may be
> bad because I have been up programming for 30 hours :-P
> AFAIK there is no mailing list or forum for OpenGL SuperBible; could be
> wrong on this too.
> I am running Linux Mint 17.1.
> I did:
> cmake .
> make
> Then cmake gave output:
> .
> .
> .
> Linking CXX executable bin/alienrain
> CMakeFiles/alienrain.dir/src/alienrain/alienrain.cpp.o: In function
> `sb6::application::run(sb6::application*)':
> alienrain.cpp:(.text._ZN3sb611application3runEPS0_[_ZN3sb611application3runEPS0_]+0x21):
> undefined reference to `glfwInit'
> So "glfwInit" is a reference to an entrypoint in libglfw.so; this library
> exists on my machine at /usr/lib/libglfw.so. Moreover, when I do
> ldconfig -p
> I see that this library is listed.
> QUESTION: Is there a quick way to get cmake to generate more output about
> how it is linking the executable? Or do I have another problem?
> Best,
> -- Jake --
> --
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J. Caleb Wherry
*Scientific Software Engineer*

+1 (615) 708-5651
calebwherry at gmail.com
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