[CMake] compiler in not standard path and secondary dependence for shared libraries

David Froger david.froger.ml at mailoo.org
Thu Aug 27 19:14:05 EDT 2015


When linking an executable with a library `libfoo.so` that depedent on a library
`libbar.so` in a non standard directory, flag `-Wl,-rpath-link=...` is required
so that `ld` can find `libar.so`.

It works well with /usr/bin/gcc and libraries somewhere in a non standard
directory, CMake uses the flag `-Wl,-rpath-link`.

But in this case:

and with /path/to/somewhere/bin in the PATH, without setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH,
CMake drops the flag `-Wl,-rpath-link=...` and the build fails.

My context is using the Conda package manager. GCC, CMake and ITK are installed
in a Conda environment (which is in the PATH), and the user want to link with
ITK libraries.

I would like to fix the problem without requiring user's "hack", for example

Any idea?

I have this "foo bar" example to reproduce the problem:



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