[CMake] Managed C++ / C# Projects: Location of assembly DLL

Robert Dailey rcdailey.lists at gmail.com
Wed Aug 5 15:02:20 EDT 2015

I am including external MS projects via CMake for my C# projects. The
Managed C++ projects I generate via CMake directly. However, sharing
assembly references between the two is difficult.

Sometimes I need my imported C# projects to know where to find the
managed C++ DLL assembly it built. This is in the CMake binary
directory, which might be different on each machine, so I can't
exactly setup a relative path to this file in the C# project
references section.

Likewise with dependencies on C# output from Managed C++. It's a
little easier to tell CMake where to find the output DLL file for a C#
project (since the output location is relative inside the source dir).

How do you guys recommend solving these dependency issues? Is there a
way I can add an assembly reference to a Managed C++ project via path
through CMake?

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