[CMake] Code Coverage & Bullseye

David Cole dlrdave at aol.com
Thu Sep 18 06:06:40 EDT 2014

As I said in my previous response, I don't know anybody who is using 
Xcode on the Mac, and also successfully producing a gcov coverage build.

If I were you, I would:

(1) use gcov on a Linux build of your software for coverage 
measurement, using the "Unix Makefiles" generator and the right gcov 
(2) buy Bullseye for the Mac, as NoRulez suggested his company did 
because they couldn't get a reliable coverage build using gcov on the 

This is not a ctest problem. This is a "gcov doesn't work right on the 
Mac" problem.

If somebody would like to claim gcov does work right on the Mac, I 
would love to see the proof. If anybody is doing it successfully, 
please do share your scripts and a link to the dashboard results you 
get using it. (And any hints we might need to replicate it ourselves...)

David C.

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