[CMake] ctest/cdash question

David Cole dlrdave at aol.com
Sat Sep 6 05:32:47 EDT 2014

You're welcome.

One caveat to mention with this sort of submit pattern (submitting 
multiple build or test chunks to a single row on the CDash dashboard) 
is that it messes up the incremental +n/-n 
compare-to-previous-submission numbers of build warnings and errors, 
and number of test passes and failures.

CDash computes those numbers based on the assumption that a submit 
ought to be compared to the previous submit... But that's only true in 
the default submission pattern of sending one set of build results and 
one set of test results for a single row. When you send multiples, the 
+/- numbers become irrelevant noise with the current CDash. It could 
probably be fixed to reflect this submit pattern, as well, but this is 
work that has yet to be done.


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