[CMake] What do Visual Studio users do so they can run/debug their programs when using 3rd party .dlls?

Eric Wing ewmailing at gmail.com
Fri May 23 19:38:45 EDT 2014

On 5/23/14, Dan Kegel <dank at kegel.com> wrote:
> You can add the directory containing the 3rd party DLLs to the global
> PATH environment variable, I bet.

So I'm looking for a CMake way to deal with this. I don't want to
change the system environment. My stuff is highly distributed among
lots of different people and systems, and I need to reproduce on VMs,
etc, and in some cases, I have conflicting versions of things across
multiple projects which would introduce a DLL hell so I just want a
work-out-of-the-box solution with CMake doing local copies.

> As for how to ship the Microsoft DLLs,
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms235299.aspx
> might be a good place to start reading?

I've read that. This is my goal which I want to do with CMake.
"you can directly install redistributable Visual C++ DLLs in the
application local folder"

I'm sick of Microsoft's DLL hell and the fact that they make you run
an installer (which needs admin permissions) instead of shipping with
the OS for the fundamental C and C++ runtimes is ridiculous.

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