[CMake] Settings different flags in sub projects
David Zemon
david at zemon.name
Mon Aug 4 19:48:13 EDT 2014
Poking around some more I think I may have found a better solution.
# Toolchain file
And for the custom languages I can add that to
CMake<Lang>Information.cmake. I'm not sure why I didn't think of this
earlier - I think just sparking off Glenn or getting some sleep helped :P
On 08/04/2014 05:09 PM, Glenn Coombs wrote:
> Something like this should work:
> add_compile_options(-std=c99)
> set_property(DIRECTORY "/root/p1" PROPERTY COMPILE_OPTIONS "-Os")
> set_property(DIRECTORY "/root/p2" PROPERTY COMPILE_OPTIONS "-O1")
> or you just use the add_compile_options command in all 3 CMakeLists.txt files. The CMakeLists.txt files in root/p1 and root/p2 will inherit the compile options set in the parent root/CMakeLists.txt file.
> --
> Glenn
> On 3 August 2014 23:46, David Zemon <david at zemon.name
> <mailto:david at zemon.name>> wrote:
> Hello,
> For the simple case of three directories and two projects - /root,
> /root/p1, and /root/p2 - I would like to set some common flags for
> both projects and then other flags should be independent. For
> instance, p1 should be compiled with "-std=c99 -Os" and p2 should
> be compiled with "-std=c99 -O1". The first flag, -std=c99, is
> common to all projects and the second, -Os, might be changed from
> project to project. How do I do this?
> I thought I could create MyRulesOverride.cmake with the content:
> set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_INIT "-std=c99")
> And that would be the end of it, but apparently not. The
> CMakeLists.txt files in each project have a line such as "
> set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-Os")" which is apparently overwriting the
> cached value from CMakeCInformation.cmake. I can't write a line
> like "set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -Os")" because then the
> result is "-std=c99 -std=c99 -Os" for the second project.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> David
> --
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