[CMake] Big Modular Software

Luis Felipe Dominguez Vega lfdominguez at estudiantes.uci.cu
Sat Apr 5 23:19:34 EDT 2014

Hello Community:
I have a little (or big 8-X) problem, i have some libs, something like that:

  |- libA
  |- libB -> Depends of libA
  |- libC -> Depends of LibB

Which each of one have it own CMakeLists, and it own "project()", my question is about the better way that i have to put a CMakeLists.txt into the upper dir Utils, that include the projects in any orders and in any way i can write the dependencies and auto CMake build the dependencies first that the own libraries.... thanks...
I Conferencia Científica Internacional UCIENCIA 2014 en la UCI del 24 al 26 de abril de 2014, La Habana, Cuba. Ver http://uciencia.uci.cu

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