[CMake] Inserting a dependency before Qt moc is run
Aurélien Gâteau
agateau at kde.org
Fri Nov 15 09:13:15 EST 2013
I am working on KDE Frameworks, which uses CMake.
We make use of Qt5 plugin system, where a plugin can be described by a .json
file, as documented here:
We want to generate the .json files from .desktop files. We have a tool to
do so, called kservice_to_json.
I am trying to express the necessary dependencies in CMake but I fail. What
I want to obtain is something like that:
foo.json: foo.desktop
kservice_to_json -i foo.desktop -o foo.json
# foo.json must be generated before moc is run, because moc tries to
# read the .json file mentioned in Q_PLUGIN_METADATA
foo.moc: foo.cpp foo.json
moc foo.cpp -o foo.moc
foo.o: foo.cpp foo.moc
g++ foo.cpp -o foo.o
I defined a custom command to generate the .json, like this (simplified):
My latest try looks like this:
macro(kservice_desktop_to_json desktop maintarget)
string(REPLACE ".desktop" ".json" json ${desktop})
string(REPLACE ".desktop" "_json" target ${desktop})
string(REPLACE "." "_" target ${target})
add_custom_target(${target} DEPENDS ${json})
OUTPUT ${json}
COMMAND KF5::desktoptojson -i ${desktop} -o
DEPENDS ${desktop}
COMMENT "Generating ${json}"
# Does not work !
add_dependencies(${maintarget}_automoc ${target})
With the idea that one would use it like this:
add_library(foo ...)
kservice_desktop_to_json(foo.desktop foo)
But this does not work because at the time the macro calls
add_dependencies(${maintarget}_automoc ${target})
The "foo_automoc" target does not exist yet, so it can't add any dependency
to it. I also made numerous attempts at adding the dependency to the
generated moc file without success.
Do you have any solution for that problem?
PS: You can find more information, including a test case there:
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