[CMake] Multiple versions of ITK in one build?
Zamir Khan
zamir.khan at gmail.com
Tue May 28 11:38:40 EDT 2013
I should probably clarify the situation (I'm not sure I provided enough
info up front). The larger dependencies like ITK are pre-built (I guess one
would assume this; we don't rebuild ITK or VTK with every build of our
project). So I thought it would be a simple problem of overwrite and then
restoring the ITK_DIR value at the right time (e.g. at the point of
find_package(ITK ...) for the modules in question). I feel like we've
almost got this working. There are some lingering issues that we're still
solving, but the respective modules seem to reference the correct versions
of ITK now. I guess I'm wondering whether this approach is doomed to fail
for a reason we haven't anticipated.
I'm doing the replacement as follows:
# This module uses an older version of ITK (3.2) than the rest of
# the project (4.31), so here we overwrite the ITK_DIR variable
# so that the correct version is found.
MESSAGE( STATUS "ITK_DIR value (before overwrite): " ${ITK_DIR})
# Store the primary ITK directory in a temporary variable
# Overwrite the ITK_DIR cache variable
set(ITK_DIR ${ITK_DIR_SECONDARY} CACHE STRING "The directory containing a
CMake configuration file for ITK" FORCE)
MESSAGE( STATUS "ITK_DIR value (after overwrite): " ${ITK_DIR})
MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "ITK not found. Please set ITK_DIR.")
# Restore the original (primary) ITK_DIR value
SET(ITK_DIR ${ITK_DIR_PRIMARY} CACHE STRING "The directory containing a
CMake configuration file for ITK" FORCE)
MESSAGE( STATUS "ITK_DIR value (after restore): " ${ITK_DIR})
On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 11:30 AM, Bill Lorensen <bill.lorensen at gmail.com>wrote:
> I just re-read your question. Superbuild won't help.
> On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 11:29 AM, Bill Lorensen <bill.lorensen at gmail.com>wrote:
>> You could use cmake's superbuild facility to build both itk3 and itk4 in
>> a superbuild tree.
>> On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 11:02 AM, John Drescher <drescherjm at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 10:16 AM, Zamir Khan <zamir.khan at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> > We have a project where multiple modules rely on ITK. Most modules
>>> have been
>>> > upgraded to ITK 4.31, but one still relies on ITK 3.20 and it would
>>> take a
>>> > significant effort to upgrade it. In the meantime, is there a way for
>>> us to
>>> > keep these modules under a single top-level CMake and have them use
>>> their
>>> > respective versions of ITK?
>>> >
>>> > We thought we could just try to overwrite the ITK_DIR variable in the
>>> > appropriate place, but our first naive implementation of this did not
>>> work.
>>> >
>>> > Just wondering if someone has done this and whether it is possible
>>> (before
>>> > we dive deeper).
>>> >
>>> On windows I have several completely separate build trees with their
>>> own environment. This way I can build for different compiler versions,
>>> 32/64 bit and different versions of libraries like this. Inside the
>>> root of each build tree there is a link to the appropriate Visual
>>> Studio command prompt that has its default folder set to the build
>>> tree root. Also in the root there is a batch file that sets quite a
>>> few _DIR environment variables to help cmake find the correct compiled
>>> libraries. This has worked well for the 5 or so years that I have done
>>> it this way. I do not use INSTALL targets so none of the binaries end
>>> up in Program Files.
>>> John
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> Unpaid intern in BillsBasement at noware dot com
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