[CMake] Best way to build and test same project with different compilers?

Rolf Eike Beer eike at sf-mail.de
Fri May 17 12:18:53 EDT 2013

Zaak Beekman wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm pretty new to CMake/CTest, and I was wondering what the best way to
> switch between compilers is when testing and building the same project with
> multiple compilers. It seems deleting the CMake cache from cmake-gui
> doesn't always work to switch compilers (which I am specifying with `export
> CC=icc; export CXX=icpc; export FC=ifort` in my environment). It would be
> great if I could have multiple build directories, one for each compiler. Is
> there a good way to do this, possibly in CMakeLists.txt?

Use different binary dirs, one for each compiler.

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