[CMake] Running tests on remote machine

David Cole dlrdave at aol.com
Tue Mar 19 15:53:54 EDT 2013

Can you run ctest on your development machine, but have each test invoke the remote debugger separately? i.e. -- write a wrapper around add_test which invokes the command via the remote debugger on the VM instead of locally...


That might be painful to do if you have lots of tests, and you don’t already have an add_test wrapper. But if you do have a wrapper, it should be easy enough in theory. (Assuming you can drive a remote debugger session via a command line of some sort. Or via a script.)


From: Robert Dailey
Sent: ‎March‎ ‎19‎, ‎2013 ‎3‎:‎33‎ ‎PM
To: Eric Noulard
CC: CMake
Subject: Re: [CMake] Running tests on remote machine

It simply uses TCP connection to the remote machine, using the Windows
Remote Debugger service. it handles the details of remote debugging,
all I do is point it to the correct executable to run from my project
settings on the host machine. No authe

The only thing that the program needs on the VM is the runtime
libraries, which are available as a separate installer
(redistributable package). Basically my VM simulates a production
environment for the most part, where if you had installed the program
via installer on that machine, it would run in a similar fashion.

Looks like I'm stuck making my VM into a dev machine so I can build
the code from scratch & run tests :( ... unless anyone has some ideas.

On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 1:39 PM, Eric Noulard <eric.noulard at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2013/3/18 Robert Dailey <rcdailey.lists at gmail.com>:
>> Hi,
>> I currently have a VM that I use to debug my executables. It has the
>> environment setup that is needed by the programs. Naturally, the tests
>> also depend on this environment (nothing was really mocked).
>> The machine hosting the VM is my dev machine, it only has CMake &
>> Visual Studio. I set it up to remote debug on the VM, which accesses
>> the compiled binaries via network shared folder.
> Does remote debug with Visual enables the host to "run" something on the
> remote target without having some part of Visual installed on the
> remote target  ?
>> Is there a way I can just run the tests on the VM with CTest? I don't
>> want to have to install Perforce, Visual Studio, and CMake on my VM if
>> I can avoid it. Note both machines are running Windows.
> AIFAIK CTest has no 'remote run' capability, so you'll need at least
> to have CTest
> installed on the VM.
> That said I do have a not so different usage.
> I need to to distributed testing on a CMake enabled project.
> What I currently do is to write a (python)
> "test driver script" which does one (or several) remote connection to
> the target(s)
> and launch the CMake built binaries (and possibly tests inputs) which
> are available
> through network drive (host mounted on the target(s)).
> That way CTest runs on my host and the executable runs on the remote targets.
> The drawback is that I need to have a relatively "intelligent" scripts
> which is able
> to remote login and monitor/connect to  stderr, stdin, stdout on the
> remote execution.
> My solution currently only works on Unixes or on a remote host which has
> an SSH server (ssh is my "generic" remote logion solution).
> Thus my question, how does Visual do the remote login/connection for debugging?
> --
> Erk
> Le gouvernement représentatif n'est pas la démocratie --
> http://www.le-message.org

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