[CMake] Intel compilers with Visual Studio Project on Windows

Hendrik Sattler post at hendrik-sattler.de
Fri Mar 1 05:44:22 EST 2013

Am 2013-03-01 02:32, schrieb Nicholas Kinar:
> Hello,
> I am wondering if there is a way to have Cmake use Intel compilers on
> Windows when generating a Visual Studio project file.  Searching
> around the Internet, I found that the following might be used to do
> this within the CMakeLists.txt file:
> set_target_properties(inv_spline_interp PROPERTIES PLATFORM_TOOLSET
> "Intel C++ Compiler XE 12.1")
> Is this the case for the current version of Cmake, or is a patch
> required?  How do I select the string "Intel C++ Compiler XE 12.1" 
> for
> the most recent version of the Intel compilers?

That'd be a hack, though.
Just to use a different compiler, there should be _no_ need to change 
CMakeLists.txt files.

Setting the environment before running cmake should be sufficient.


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