[CMake] How to embed Qt resources using CMake

Bogdan Cristea cristeab at gmail.com
Mon Jul 8 12:44:17 EDT 2013

On 08.07.2013 18:42, Júlio Hoffimann wrote:
> Pau,
> I did exactly that, I think the issue is with the file paths not with 
> my CMakeLists.txt. What Qt does with resource files exactly? Is it a 
> runtime load? The paths must be relative to the linked executable? 
> Also, where I can find the complete specification for that XML in 
> icons.qrc?
> Bogdan,
> I don't need to explicitly copy the icons.qrc nor the 
> resources/pixmaps/ directory to the binary dir?
> Best,
> Júlio.

No, if your CMakeLists.txt file is on the same folder as your qrc file, 
the lines you used should be enough

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