[CMake] Magick++ trimming pixels that are not of background color (pixels same color on top and bottom of image)

imagenesis at gmail.com imagenesis at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 03:37:49 EST 2013

The following image of size 1x9 is being trimming to 1x6 because presumably
the pixel at the type is the same color as the pixel at the bottom and in
the trim function, these pixels are being identified as the background
color, even through the backgroundColor being reported before the execution
of the trim function is #FFFFFF.

The only thing I am doing is executing trim on the Image. Explicitly
setting backgroundColor and/or transparent() makes no difference.

1. Why is this occuring and is this the expected behavior?
2. Can this be fixed by configuration/property setting/without changing
Graphicsk library code?
3. If not, when can this bug be fixed? Do you expect a bug of this nature
to be fixed in the next few days?
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