[CMake] Removing debug and optimized prefixes
Rolf Eike Beer
eike at sf-mail.de
Thu Aug 15 09:16:04 EDT 2013
Am 15.08.2013 14:03, schrieb Alvaro Aguilera:
> Thank you for responding.
> I found out that the problem was in the FindProtobuf module shipped
> with
> opensuse.
> As a workaround I'm using the following line after
> find_package(Protobuf):
> list(REMOVE_ITEM PROTOBUF_LIBRARIES "debug" "optimized")
> Here are the calls to add_library() and target_link_libraries(), just
> for the record:
> --------------------------
> add_library(
> mytarget SHARED
> some-code.cpp
> )
> target_link_libraries(
> mytarget
> "${Boost_LIBRARIES}"
> )
Remove the quotes, then it will work.
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