[CMake] QT, CMake and ITK

John Drescher drescherjm at gmail.com
Wed Apr 24 15:08:18 EDT 2013

> I put all the folders in the CMakeLists.txt, but still not working...
> TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(test ITKCommon ITKIO ITKBasicFilters ITKAlgorithms
> ITKNumerics ITKSpatialObjetcs ITKReview ITKPatented ${QT_LIBRARIES})

Again the missing header files problem has nothing at all to do with
linking. Please put that back to


> Can you give me an example, please? Is there a way to simplify all this
> process?

You are missing




before your add_executable()

However you seriously need to look at some more recent CMake tutorials
and documentation. There are tons of examples on the vtk wiki.


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