[CMake] Ninja: It's ninja issue, or CMake problem?

Loaden loaden at gmail.com
Tue Sep 25 08:54:05 EDT 2012

Bug reported in here: http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=13559

2012/9/25 Loaden <loaden at gmail.com>

> Sorry, It's wrong. Here is the correct function:
> function(use_msvc_precompiled_header target sources)
>     if(NOT ${target}_PCH_BINARY_FILE)
>         message(FATAL_ERROR "[${target}] Precompiled binary does not exist")
>         return()
>     endif()
>     get_target_property(targetSources ${target} SOURCES)
>     list(FIND targetSources ${${${target}_PCH_SOURCE_VAR}} result)
>     if(result EQUAL -1)
>         message(FATAL_ERROR "[${target}] Please add '\${${${target}_PCH_SOURCE_VAR}}' or '${${${target}_PCH_SOURCE_VAR}}' to target")
>         return()
>     endif()
>     set(pchBinaryFile ${${target}_PCH_BINARY_FILE})
> *    foreach(src ${sources})*
> *        set_source_files_properties(${src} PROPERTIES*
> *            COMPILE_FLAGS "/Yu\"${pchBinaryFile}\" /FI\"${pchBinaryFile}\" /Fp\"${pchBinaryFile}\""*
> *            OBJECT_DEPENDS ${pchBinaryFile}*
> *        )*
> *    endforeach()*
> endfunction()

*Please don't ask where I come from, It's a shame!*
Best Regards
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