[CMake] 'NMake Makefiles' generate does not support parallel builds (/MP)?

Andreas Haferburg ahaferburg at scopis.com
Fri Sep 21 08:36:44 EDT 2012

My bad, we're not using nmake but msbuild in Jenkins (command line only). Judging from the 
compilation speed, I'm pretty sure it respects the /MP flag.

Best regards

On 20.09.2012 18:24, Bill Hoffman wrote:
> nmake does not do parallel builds.  Try using jom.
> http://blog.qt.digia.com/2009/03/27/speeding-up-visual-c-qt-builds/
> http://qt-project.org/wiki/jom
> /MP only works from the VS IDE.
> On 9/20/2012 11:34 AM, Andreas Haferburg wrote:
>> Hi Yuchen,
>> we're using the same way to enable /MP, and it works for us. You didn't
>> say exactly what doesn't work, so I'm left to guessing.
>> Have you checked in Visual Studio if the flag is set (Project
>> properties->C/C++->Command Line)? Maybe there's a conflicting option
>> enabled? Or maybe you're changing the CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS variable too late,
>> e.g. after calling add_executable()?
>> Have you checked the value in Tools->Options->Projects and
>> Solutions->VC++ Project Settings->Maximum ...
>> Best regards,
>> Andreas
>> On 20.09.2012 10:45, Loaden wrote:
>>> Hi, there!
>>> I am using Windows SDK 7.1 + nmake + CMake for building Windows
>>> applications.
>>> Follow these:
>>> http://www.cmake.org/pipermail/cmake/2009-April/028668.html
>>> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb385193.aspx
>>> I can't make /MP option works after this change in CMake's main
>>> CMakeLists.txt
>>>     if (MSVC)
>>>        message(STATUS "CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS = ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}")
>>>        message(STATUS "CMAKE_C_FLAGS = ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}")
>>>     endif()
>>> I know Jom which is a good choice for speed up compilation, but some
>>> times, it will broken my builds.
>>> See: http://qt-project.org/wiki/jom
>>> Am I lost some option? does there exist an valid way?
>>> or, It's just a bug from CMake self?
>>> Thanks a lot!
>>> --
>>> Best Regards
>>> Yuchen
>>> --
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