[CMake] CPack source distribution recursing out of control

Eric Noulard eric.noulard at gmail.com
Tue Sep 18 02:27:59 EDT 2012

2012/9/18 Jack Stalnaker <jack.stalnaker at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but when I run cpack --config CPackSourceConfig.cmake -G TGZ, the operation runs forever and produces archives on the order of dozens of gigabytes. As far as cpack goes, I don't have much specified other than include(cpack) and the version variables.

May be you could send us your "CPackSourceConfig.cmake" ?

> I do have include(InstallRequiredSystemLibraries) as well, but that's pretty much it.

Which version of CPack are you using?
On which platform (Windows? Linux? ...)

> I did some investigation, and the problem was pretty easy to spot. Inside the generated _CPack* directory was the installed source directory, which in turn had a nested copy of the same source directory, etc, down many, many levels, so that many gigabytes of disc space were consumed. I'm sorry if this isn't specific enough, but does anyone know what's going on?

Is your build tree inside the source tree, i.e. the build directory is
a sub-directory
of the build tree?

Do you set CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES to any values
in your CMakeLists.txt?

Does the problem with other generator like zip ?

Le gouvernement représentatif n'est pas la démocratie --

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