[CMake] CMake 2.8.9 missing ProjectGUID in vcproj of VS .NET 2003

Sören Textor s.textor at ditec-gmbh.de
Wed Sep 5 02:56:12 EDT 2012

Hi David, Hi Bill
The GUID ist part of the vcproj by design. Of course we can use 2.8.7 to 
fix that problem. But in my eyes it would make sense to fix that problem 
in future releases of cmake.

It's just changing
     if(this->Version >= VS8)
     if(this->Version >= VS7)

Thus: it's not a show stopping thing, but a nice to have one ;-)

Thanks for quick reply,

Am 04.09.2012 22:12, schrieb Bill Hoffman:
> On 9/4/2012 2:53 PM, David Cole wrote:
>> The value of "this->Version" used to be "71" for Visual Studio 7.1,
>> and the ProjectGUID chunk was unintentionally generated since 71 > 8.
>> When the version number values were fixed so that this->Version could
>> properly be compared, this code started having its always intended
>> effect: only generate the ProjectGUID entry for VS 8 and above...
>> Is this a show-stopping problem for you, or can you adapt your
>> post-build rules to work with CMake 2.8.7 and later...?
> But if 7.1 works with GUID's maybe they should just be there all the 
> time?  The only reason I would see for leaving them out is that it 
> breaks something.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dr.-Ing. Sören Textor

DiTEC Dr. Siegfried Kahlich & Dierk Langer GmbH
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