[CMake] CTest parallel builds, serial tests
Nils Gladitz
gladitz at sci-vis.de
Wed Oct 3 01:51:30 EDT 2012
I use CTest scripts for the build (ctest -S) which set CTEST_BUILD_COMMAND.
Alternatively I think setting CTEST_BUILD_FLAGS to add flags to the
build command instead of replacing it should work as well.
Subsequent calls to "ctest_build()" in the script pick up and use the
command as set earlier.
On 10/03/2012 01:14 AM, Matt.Bolger at csiro.au wrote:
> We have a simple automated test/build setup. A basic CTestConfig.cmake
> sets the project name and CTEST_DROP properties and the test server
> simply runs "ctest --D Nightly" or "ctest --D Experimental" to process
> a build.
> I have two problems that I think I could solve if I can work out how
> to specify additional options for the make command used to do the
> build. To debug a rare issue we're having I'd like to be able to use
> "make --d" and I would also like to be able to perform the build in
> parallel "make --j8" but run the tests in serial (this seems to rule
> out using "ctest --j8")
> First I thought I could use the "--build-options
> <http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/v2.8.8/ctest.html#opt:--build-options>"
> option in CTest but after having no luck and looking at the source it
> looks like this option is only used when "--build-and-test" is
> requested perhaps? It appears that a number of these command (eg
> --build-makeprogram) are only used by CTest when used in conjunction
> with certain other options and not when using "-D"?
> I've found some old posts that talk about using a CTest scripting file
> to set the initial cache value "MAKECOMMAND:STRING=/usr/bin/make -i
> -j8" or "set(CTEST_BUILD_COMMAND "make -j4 -i") " -- I haven't had
> much luck with this so far and am wondering if this is still a
> valid/recommended approach?
> Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks
> Matt
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Nils Gladitz, B.Sc.
DICOM, Konnektivität und Entwicklung
Scivis wissenschaftliche Bildverarbeitung GmbH
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D-37085 Göttingen
Handelsregister Nr. / Trade Register No. B3100 Göttingen
Geschäftsführer / Managing Directors Dr. Gernot Ebel, Dr. Uwe Engeland
Tel: 0049 (0)551 634181-28
E-Mail: gladitz at scivis.de
Web: www.scivis.de
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