[CMake] Building multiple Debian packages from one source

Patrick Nowak pa.nowak at tu-bs.de
Tue Nov 27 04:46:34 EST 2012


I am currently trying to build more then one Debian package from my 
sources. One package should contain the shared lib and the binary and 
should simply be called projectname-1.0.0.deb and the other one should 
contain the headers and optionally a static lib and should be called 

I found this post ( 
possibly describing what to do but it doesn't seem to work for me. I 
still only get one package containing the same stuff it contained before 
adding the COMPONENT statement to my INSTALLs and adding 
cpack_add_component. Is this approach described in this post the right 
approach at all for my desired goal? If so:

Are cpack_add_component_group and cpack_add_install_type mandatory? How 
do I set the file name for every component respectively package?

If not: Is this even possible with CMake without having to 
CMakeLists.txt files and changing them for every desired package?

Best regards,
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