[CMake] target_link_libraries fails dependencies

Andrea Galeazzi galeazzi at korg.it
Thu Nov 15 04:42:29 EST 2012

Il 14/11/2012 13.01, Andreas Pakulat ha scritto:
> Hi,
> On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 12:34 PM, Andrea Galeazzi <galeazzi at korg.it> wrote:
>> I'm using cmake_policy(SET CMP0015 NEW) to link external libraries (I don't
>> have the sources of them) in order to avoid to specify the absolute path of
>> each library. So I wrote the following commands:
>> link_directories(path1 path2 ...)
>> target_link_libraries(${my_TARGET_NAME} lib1 lib2)
>> but when lib1 or lib2 changes, my_TARGET_NAME doesn't rebuild the
>> executable. On the other hand if I use the absolute path in
>> target_link_libraries (path1/lib1.a) everything works fine.
>> Is this behavior a bug of CMake or is not possible to detect this kind of
>> dependencies at all?
> That is not a bug in CMake. When you specify only library names CMake
> cannot setup dependencies in the generated makefiles (or whatever
> generator you use), since it has no clue where the library file is as
> you leave the knowledge about that to the linker. So you either need
> to specify the absolute path to lib1 and lib2 or trigger a clean build
> of the target when the libs change.
> Since it seems you already setup the paths to the libraries via
> link_directories it should actually be rather easy for you to drop
> that and simply use the absolute path in target_link_libraries I'd
> say.
> Andreas
You're definitely right.

korg Firma


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