[CMake] Checking if git submodules have been initialized

Arnaud Gelas arnaudgelas at gmail.com
Wed May 9 08:54:42 EDT 2012

if( NOT EXISTS "${MY_SOURCE_DIR}/project/.git" )
message( SEND_ERROR "The git submodules are not available. Please run
git submodule update --init --recursive"


On 05/09/2012 02:52 PM, David Doria wrote:
> I have recently started using git submodules in my projects. I have
> had multiple complains from my users "It gives me a "missing xyz.h"
> type of error when I try to compile." The reason is that they haven't
> initialized the submodules (like it says to do in the readme :) ). Is
> there a CMake way to check if a submodule is initialized so I can
> throw a more appropriate error - "Please initialize the xyz submodule"
> instead of letting the error get all the way to the compiler?
> Thanks,
> David
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