[CMake] Can we control component package name in 2.8.8?

Eric Noulard eric.noulard at gmail.com
Thu Jun 28 07:05:53 EDT 2012

2012/6/28 hce <jupiter.hce at gmail.com>:
> m.hergarden wrote
>> The unspecified may come from an Install statement that does not have a
>> component specified.
>> Micha
> I actually double checked, there are only two install statements which all
> have component specified.  Could it be the bug?

Yes it could but did you start over from a pristine build tree?

Could you try:
$ find . -name "cmake_install.cmake"  -exec grep -Hn "Unspecified" {}
\;vi ./Source/kwsys/cmake_install.cmake

and see if any "cmake_install.cmake" file is containing teh handling
of "Unspecified" ?

Whatever the result you can always specify the CPACK_COMPONENTS_ALL
yourself in the CMakeListst.txt (before including CPack)  and not let
CPack set it on his own:

So you can:
set(CPACK_COMPONENTS_ALL yourcomp1 yourcomp2)

and CPack (when used in component mode) will only install the
specified components

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