[CMake] Skip(ped) test with CTest?

David Cole david.cole at kitware.com
Fri Jun 8 11:13:14 EDT 2012

On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 10:47 AM, Christoph GrĂ¼ninger <
christoph.grueninger at iws.uni-stuttgart.de> wrote:

> Hi CMake,
> can I skip a test with CTest? Currently I do not add a test which is
> dependent on a not found feature, like:
> if(feature_found)
>  add_test(..)
> endif(feature_found)
> If all tests pass, I still don't know whether everything is fine, because
> the not added tests are not shown.
> Has CMake the possibility to mark tests "to skip".
> Or the other way round, if my test detects that the feature is not
> available it exits with status code not zero, let's say 77. And CMake does
> not throw an error but marks the test neither as passed nor failed, but as
> skipped.
> If this is not possible, would it be worth to write a feature request in
> the CMake bug tracker?
> Bye
> Christoph
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This has been requested before:


It's in the backlog, would require changes to both ctest and cdash, and I'm
not enthusiastic about it. Perhaps I just need convincing that it's a good
idea. For now, there are no plans to implement anything like this, and I
would recommend that you use a wrapper script approach, printing out
"skipped" and returning success when you don't actually run your test.

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