[CMake] Failed to submit ctest report to public.kitware.com CDash server

hce jupiter.hce at gmail.com
Tue Jul 3 07:34:43 EDT 2012


I am running 2.8.8 on CentOS 6, and I followed VTK wiki instruction to set
following up and to run "ctest -D Experimental", but it failed to submit the
report. The error was that my hostname was not reachable. It is my PC, the
hostname is set to a proper domain name. But I thought it got right IP
address which the ctest  can use it for communication with the
public.kitware.com server. Any other set up I may need to make it work?

 SET (CTEST_DROP_SITE "public.kitware.com")
 SET (CTEST_DROP_LOCATION "/cgi-bin/HTTPUploadDartFile.cgi")

Thank you.

Kind regards,


View this message in context: http://cmake.3232098.n2.nabble.com/Failed-to-submit-ctest-report-to-public-kitware-com-CDash-server-tp7580733.html
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