[CMake] runtime dependencies for tests

Massaro Alessio Alessio.Massaro at mediobanca.co.uk
Tue Jan 31 08:43:23 EST 2012

Hi There

I googled near and far, but could not find a way to tell CTest where to find the 3rd-party DLLs required to run the test executables.
In particular my executable targets link with a few Boost DLLs/SOs and obviously require them to run.

I understand on the Linux/Solaris I can use RPATH support in CMake.
But I can't find a way to do it on my primary target platform, WIN32-msvc9.

I've already tried several variants of calling configure_file in a function the following way:

       configure_file("${some_dbg_boost_dll_file}" "${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_DEBUG}" COPYONLY)

I'm open to all sorts of solutions: copy DLLs in place, set the PATH environment variable, ... anything!

I just need a pointer to show me some way to do it.

Thank you in advance!

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