[CMake] Cmake / NSIS: escape parenthesis
ycollette.nospam at free.fr
ycollette.nospam at free.fr
Fri Jan 20 02:37:34 EST 2012
Argh !
Answer to my own question:
!include LogicLib.nsh
!include x64.nsh
\\\${If} \\\${RunningX64}
DetailPrint 'DEBUG: Windows 64 bits: RunningX64 = ${RunningX64}'
DetailPrint 'DEBUG: Windows 32 bits: RunningX64 = ${RunningX64}'
Best regards,
----- Mail original -----
De: "ycollette nospam" <ycollette.nospam at free.fr>
À: "cmake" <cmake at cmake.org>
Envoyé: Vendredi 20 Janvier 2012 08:31:42
Objet: [CMake] Cmake / NSIS: escape parenthesis
I would like to add the following statements in my nsis installer:
${If} ${RunningX64}
DetailPrint 'DEBUG: Windows 64 bits: RunningX64 = ${RunningX64}'
DetailPrint 'DEBUG: Windows 32 bits: RunningX64 = ${RunningX64}'
This would be written verbatim in the nsis code. But cmake interprets ${If} as "getting the value of If".
Now, in my nsis code, I've got:
DetailPrint 'DEBUG: Windows 64 bits: RunningX64 = '
DetailPrint 'DEBUG: Windows 32 bits: RunningX64 = '
Which is not correct.
So, my question is: how do I "protect" the { and } characters ?
Best regards,
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