[CMake] C/CXX/Fortran Compiler not found.

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Wed Jan 11 06:22:02 EST 2012

On 11.01.12 11:55:32, Kedar Moharana wrote:
> Dear all,
>   I am trying to build from a source code using CMAKE on Windows 7. I have
> no prior experience in building from source code, so I need your help in
> this regard.
> The application requires following external dependencies with versions
> mentioned or more advanced versions:
>    - CMake-2.6 (build system)
>    - Qt-4.4 (UI framework)
>    - gcc-4.3 (C, C++ and Fortran compilers)
> So I installed CMake 2.8.7 in C:\Program files\CMake 2.8 directory,
> Qt-library-4.8.0 in the C:\Qt directory. For gcc-4.3, when I googled, I
> found I can install MinGW and so I installed the latest version in C:\MinGW
> directory.
> I am using the Windows native command prompt.
> Can anyone tell me why these compilers are not detected? If I have to give
> some path, then which files do I have to edit?

Can you execute 'gcc' in your command prompt? Add the gcc to the PATH.


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